Eureka! I do not have the lone sock syndrome any more! Saturday morning I finished the pair of
Alison's ankle socks for my friend Adria's birthday in Cascade Fixation # 9045. The little leftover ball I included in the package I sent her...just in case there are any issues. But this is my very first full-fledged, completed pair of socks. What a sense of accomplishment!
Cascade Fixation Ankle Socks
Sockapalza2 updateWell after gauging with size 2 double-pointeds and then moving up to size 3...I went with the size 3 for the
Crusoe sock. Cast on Saturday evening and off I went thru the cuff, leg, heel, heel turn, gusset and now about half-way done with the foot. This is very fast to knit up. I hope that my sock pal digs these as much as I do. My goal is to be added to the completed list for Alison's Tuesday KAL on August 9. Then I can finish Dad's other sock as my extra skein of Lorna's Laces in Pioneer should be here any day now from the Knitting Zone.
Crusoe sock #1 for my sock pal 
Close-up of the stitches
Mystical to the RescueAfter sending Danielle back the skein of yarn along with a sample of what I have, she is kindly dying yarn to match my sample. So after dad's sock completion, the next task is to complete my Clap. Just slowly but surely working my way down the completed project list. Every little dent helps. Sad to admit but true that I knit E's Gryffindor scarf at the very long red lights so that maybe I will be done by Halloween. This sucker is LONG!!!!! We actually watched Prisoner of Azkaban last night for the !!!!! time. Never can get enough of Harry, but this was also the first time after finishing the Half-Blood Prince. Hmmmmmm!
Closer to #60Still plugging away to tie or hopefully beat Stephanie in our friendly wager to read 60 books for the year. Presently, I am on #35, which is "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency"...and I can't believe it took me all this time to discover this wonderful book. And btw, we don't get any extra brownie points for reading the really long ones like Half-Blood!