By Jove I Think I Got It
So I tried and tried to figure out the Twisted German Cast-on so I could start the "Dragon Socks" and I just couldn't get it. For some reason the photos weren't helping at all. So of course I went to Amanda at Clothesknit who almost exclusively uses this cast on. She kindly wrote out directions with hints and lo and behold...I tihnk I got it. I tested it out on a bigger target (size 11s)...unfortunately I had to frog my Brioche Bodice and start over...there was a huge hole in the middle...somehow I dropped a stitch and didn't notice. So I just cast on again using the Twisted German. And by jove I think I got it!!!!So the plan is to try it on my size 2s and get my hurricane pal's sock started.
THANKS AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The brioche before...(after pic later tonite)
THANKS AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The brioche before...(after pic later tonite)

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